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About us

Responsible person

Owner: Michael Marx
Laserarena Weiden
Liebigstraße 12-13
92637 Weiden
Tel.: 0961/40184191

Exclusion of liability

The contributions which can be called up on these Internet pages serve exclusively for the general information about the Laser Arena in Weiden. There is no guarantee for their topicality, completeness and correctness of the information.

The liability for the content of the retrievable pages is excluded, as far as it is the information is not intentional or grossly negligent misinformation and these are retrieved in Germany. When retrieved in other countries the liability is completely excluded.

The legal links are provided solely for the purpose of information - not for the commercial - reasons and lead to external providers. For the content of these pages are exclusively the respective authors responsible. No guarantee and liability is therefore assumed for the correctness of the taken over.


The author is anxious to protect the copyrights of the author in all publications graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts, graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts created by himself to or use license-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts, or use to fall back.

The copyright for published objects created by the author himself remains with the alone with the author of the pages. A duplication or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express consent of the author. not allowed.


All participants and players at Laserarena Weiden agree with their booking and participation to the following general business bookings.

1.) The booking obliges to pay the playing fee. The playing fee can only be retained by the participant if he/she cancels the booking in due time (at least 48 hours before the game), or it can be refunded by the organizer if a deposit has been paid.

2.) Late arrival at the venue does not entitle to a value adjustment or extension of the booked time. These measures are at the discretion of the organizer and cannot be claimed without approval or withheld in case of payments by the participant.

3.) The participants are liable for any damage caused by them to the equipment or persons. The organizer is not liable for any damage that may occur, unless it is caused by gross negligence on the part of the organizer. This includes injuries of the participants, damaged or soiled clothing as well as damage or soiling of all kinds of carried objects.

4.) Participants must comply with local safety regulations in order to avoid damage to facilities, equipment and persons. The local staff has the authority to exclude from the game any person who disagrees with the instructions. This also applies to rules formulated in other forms.

5.) In open games, people are freely put together in groups. This composition is done by the organizer and is no reason to stop the game on site. Players who do not wish to play with the group are not entitled to a refund of the playing fee.

8.) Offers, discounts and promotions cannot be combined. However, the participant will be granted the most favourable discount if several discounts would be possible at the same time. However, the organizer is obliged to name and offer the guest the most favourable offer.

Any questions?
Contact us
Tel.: 0961/40184191
About us
© 2020 Laserarena Weiden